Hello Friends and Clients!
Thank you for your continued business with Final Touch Plantscaping, LLC! Summer has arrived, and I hope you are enjoying these long, beautiful days. To ensure that your garden is enjoying the summer, too, I am sending along a countdown of five simple tips that can help to keep your plants looking great all summer long.
5.Timing is EverythingAs the saying goes, “Mad Dogs And Englishmen Go Out In The Mid-day Sun.” To prevent heat exhaustion and dehydration, do your gardening between 7AM and 10AM or 6PM and 8PM to avoid the brutal heat of the day.
4. Feed & WaterPlants need regular watering and good nutrition to promote growth and blooms during these toasty, sunny days. Muti-task by feeding as you’re watering by using a plant food dispenser (available at most garden centers) that attaches to your garden hose. Follow the label directions carefully. The best time to water is in the morning.
3. Be a Dead-headerAfter flowers bloom, their blossoms turn into seed pods. By removing the dead blossoms before they set seed, you will promote more blooms and a longer flower show. Just clip-off the dead heads. (Listening to Jerry Garcia on your iPod is optional!)
2. Pull out those weedsWhen pushy weeds move into your garden, they compete with your desirable plants for space, water and nutrients, and may promote diseases and fungus problems. (And they look messy!) Get rid of ’em!
1. Contact Me!Survey your plantings. If something looks like a problem, or you need help or advice, please let me know!You can always reach me by phone at 908 872-8387 or drop an e-mail to laura@finaltouchplantscaping.com
Best wishes for a wonderful summer!
Laura DePrado