This month, Lorraine of Oldwick achieved 430 horticultural therapy sessions and continues to engage with flowers and plants in her indoor ‘garden’ since May 2013
Lorraine of Oldwick is 90 years old.
This month, she achieved 430 horticultural therapy sessions and continues to engage with flowers and plants in her indoor “garden” since May 2013. She is getting nature inside. She has created countless flower arrangements, propagated plants by cuttings and division, and started and nurtured vegetables, herbs and annuals from seed.
She dries countless flowers throughout the seasons and creates sachets and “memory jars,” of seashells, lavender, rose petals and succulents. She cares for indoor house plants, both flowering and nonflowering. She is fascinated by, and enjoys blooms of colors, fragrances, textures and shapes in which she is surrounded, anticipating things to come. She initiates and engages in purposeful and meaningful activities. She feels safe. She is empowered. She is successful. She is proud.