Senator Kip Bateman and I were honored to support Laura DePrado from Final Touch Plantscaping, LLC in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens committee today for Horticultural Therapy Week. They help countless individuals from children to seniors, military, special needs, PTSD and more. Congratulations Laura…you were great!
“The unanimous passage of SJR12 in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens committee is a significant step in raising awareness of horticultural therapy. I will encourage my colleagues in the Assembly to support my companion bill, AJR13, so that New Jersey can continue to build awareness and highlight the many benefits of this successful therapy which helps countless individuals in rehabilitative, vocational and community settings.”
Assemblywoman Donna Simon R-16
Laura DePrado at The State House, Trenton, NJ March 17, 2014
State Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman, R-16, and Assemblywoman Donna Simon
R-16, with MaryAnne McMillan, President of the American Horticultural Therapy Association
Bill Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 12